Monaco Editor Model
This page will list down all the available methods added by the Constrained Editor Plugin to the monaco editor model.
Available methods- getCurrentEditableRanges
- getValueInEditableRanges
- disposeRestrictions
- onDidChangeContentInEditableRange
- updateValueInEditableRanges
- updateRestrictions
- toggleHighlightOfEditableAreas
GetCurrentEditableRangesThis method will give the current value of the editable ranges
Returns EditableRangeObject
const instanceOfConstrainedEditor = constrainedEditor(monaco);instanceOfConstrainedEditor.initializeIn(monacoEditorInstance);const model = monacoEditorInstance.getModel();console.log(model.getCurrentEditableRanges());
{ "utilName": { "allowMultiline": false, "index": 0, "range": { "startLineNumber": 1, "startColumn": 7, "endLineNumber": 1, "endColumn": 12 }, "originalRange": [1, 7, 1, 12] }, "funcDefinition": { "allowMultiline": true, "index": 1, "range": { "startLineNumber": 3, "startColumn": 1, "endLineNumber": 3, "endColumn": 43 }, "originalRange": [3, 1, 3, 43] }}
GetValueInEditableRangesThis method will return the current value in the Editable Ranges.
Returns ValueInEditableRange : with RangeLabel as key
{ "utilName": "utils", "funcDefinition": "// Enter the content for the function here"}
DisposeRestrictionsThis method is used to remove all restrictions from the model.
monacoEditorInstance.disposeConstrainer will internally call this method
Returns model : with all the methods removed
OnDidChangeContentInEditableRangeThis method is used to add the callback for listening the changes happened inside the editable ranges.
Parameters- currentlyChangedContent : ValueInEditableRange
- allValuesInEditableRanges: ValueInEditableRange
- currentEditableRangeObject : EditableRangeObject
model.onDidChangeContentInEditableRange(function ( currentlyChangedContent, allValuesInEditableRanges, currentEditableRangeObject) { // Function to execute on content change inside editable ranges});
UpdateValueInEditableRangesThis method can be used update the contents inside the editable ranges.
Arguments- currentValuesAsObject : ValueInEditableRange
model.updateValueInEditableRanges({ utilName: "New Util Name", funcDefinition: "Content to update",});
UpdateRestrictionsThis method can be used to change the entire restrictions of the model.
Arguments- newRestrictions : Array<RangeRestrictionObject>
model.updateRestrictions([ { range: [1, 1, 1, 6], label: "variableDeclarator" }]);
ToggleHighlightOfEditableAreasThis method is mostly useful during development, this can be used to visually see the editable ranges.
This will highlight the single line restrictions and multi line restrictions in different colors